For years, we have conducted our business with an eye toward limiting adverse impacts on the environment and the communities in which we operate. One example is our shared infrastructure model, which is inherently sustainable—allowing us to maintain a relatively low carbon footprint and establish resource efficiency. We strive to be responsible environmental stewards while managing our expansive infrastructure portfolio and every part of our organization.

01 bar priorities

Our goals.

Achieve carbon neutral goal in Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2025.

Source 100% renewable energy in support of reaching our goal to be carbon neutral in Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2025.

Our progress.


of our 2023 electricity consumption was from renewable energy sources1


of lit towers upgraded to energy-efficient LED lights2

Community solar partnership

in CA reduces energy costs and helps provide accessible solar electricity to local residents

1 Percentage calculated using 144,193 MWh of renewable energy contracted for 2023 compared with reported 2023 annual consumption of 157,577 MWh.
2 Percentage calculated based on 12,137 total lit towers as of December 31, 2023.

Converting our lighting systems on lit towers to LED3,4

3 Percentages calculated based on the total lit tower count as of December 31 of each year represented.
4 The number of total lit towers is subject to slight fluctuations year over year as the result of regulatory changes.

02 bar carbon neutrality

Driving results through accountability.

To reach our goal of achieving carbon neutrality in Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2025, we are investing in projects that benefit both our business and the environment. We have reduced our energy usage by switching to LED lighting on our lit towers and have made significant progress toward our goal of sourcing 100% renewable energy by 2025. We currently source around 114,000 MWh of renewable energy across 13 US states through retail agreements and 30,000 MWh of renewable energy from the Priddy Wind Farm Project and the Pitts Dudik Solar Project—reducing our carbon footprint and contributing to the global effort to combat climate change.

Our recent commitment to a long-term community solar partnership reduces our energy costs, helps us reach our 100% renewable energy goal and enables residents in select California communities to access cost savings on their monthly electricity bills. Community solar refers to local solar facilities shared by multiple community subscribers who receive credit on their electricity bills for their portion of the power produced. These projects help accelerate the transition to clean energy by providing equal access to the economic and environmental benefits of solar energy generation, all while building a stronger, more resilient electric grid.

Renewable energy progress5

    • Non-renewable energy
    • Renewable energy

5 2023 percentage calculated using 144,193 MWh of renewable energy contracted for 2023 compared with reported 2023 annual consumption of 157,577 MWh. 2022 percentage calculated using 114,193 MWh of renewable energy contracted for 2022 compared with reported 2022 annual consumption of 167,612 MWh.

03 bar greenhouse gas

Understanding our emissions.

To craft an informed strategy to reduce our footprint, we calculated our Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions based on energy utilization across our operations, including towers, small cells and fiber, offices and warehouses, fleet and generators.

Fuel and Energy Consumption6,7

Asset ClassNatural Gas (therms)Electricity (kWh)Diesel, Gasoline
and Propane (MMBtu)
Refrigerants (kg)12
Small Cells & Fiber960,759,961
Offices & Warehouses10373,03027,796,939344

6 Based on an operational control approach, as defined by WRI GHG Protocol and scope guidance. Boundaries include all material operating locations. 

7 Where actual consumption data was not available, we used a sampling approach or public information, such as equipment fuel efficiency and power ratings, to estimate fuel and energy consumption.

8 Electricity consumption and resulting emissions associated with HVAC systems situated in ground shelters at our tower sites are calculated based on the applicable energy consumption factors for each type of HVAC unit (e.g., central air, window unit, etc.) that was in operation in 2023 at such sites, taking into account assumptions regarding (i) customer tenancy at company-owned shelters, (ii) customer reliance (or lack thereof) on our HVAC units and (iii) HVAC system operations in unoccupied shelters

9 Prior to 2023, we misinterpreted remote monitoring unit data for a limited number of iDAS venues, incorrectly distinguishing between Crown Castle and customer electricity usage. The 2023 calculations correctly attribute electricity use to Crown Castle and our customers at these venues.

10 Based on actual consumption data for offices, owned and leased square footage, and estimates derived from nationwide energy intensity statistics from the Energy  Information Administration’s (EIA) Commercial Building Energy Consumption (CBEC) Survey for the remainder of the offices.

11 Based on estimated allocation between diesel and gasoline vehicles.

12 Refrigerant estimates were determined using vehicle data, active HVAC unit data, and assumed refrigeration and HVAC systems in office and warehouse spaces, based on square footage, using the EPA’s Accounting Tool to Support Federal Reporting of Hydrofluorocarbon Emissions: Supporting Documentation (Oct. 2016).

Greenhouse gas emissions13,14

    • Towers
    • Small Cells & Fiber
    • Offices & Warehouses
    • Fleet
    • Generators

Asset ClassScope 1 (MTCO2e)Scope 2 (MTCO2e)15
Small Cells & Fiber3,094
Offices & Warehouses2,643653
Asset ClassScope 1 (MTCO2e)Scope 2 (MTCO2e)15
Small Cells & Fiber7,713
Offices & Warehouses1,9273,340
Asset ClassScope 1 (MTCO2e)Scope 2 (MTCO2e)15
Small Cells & Fiber20,616
Offices & Warehouses2,36110,549

13 Based on an operational control approach, as defined by WRI GHG Protocol and scope guidance. Boundaries include all material operating locations.

14 We used emission factors from 40 CFR Part 98 Tables C-1 and C-2 and EPA eGRID factors. Global Warming Potential documented in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change AR5 report was used to calculate CO2 e for methane (CH4 ) and nitrous oxide (N2 O).

15 Our 2022 and 2023 Scope 2 emissions were calculated using WRI GHG Protocol’s market-based method. Prior years’ Scope 2 emissions calculations were reported using WRI GHG Protocol’s location-based method. Refer to the ESG Data Tables for Scope 2 emissions calculated using the location-based method covering the years indicated therein.

Scope 3

For 2023, we finalized our first comprehensive Scope 3 emissions inventory, reporting on the categories that we believe are relevant to our business. This foundational work confirmed the most significant drivers of our value chain emissions and areas where we may be able to impact future reductions. We are working with our customers and suppliers to formulate strategies in an effort to reduce emissions across our entire value chain.

Our Scope 3 emissions are primarily driven by:

  • Category 13, Downstream leased assets: Emissions from our customers’ energy use on our infrastructure assets, primarily related to electricity use for telecommunications equipment and HVAC units at tower sites
  • Category 2, Capital goods: Emissions from construction-related spend, largely associated with fiber installation
  • Category 1, Purchased goods and services: Emissions from the spend supporting our ongoing operations

The remainder of our Scope 3 emissions inventory is composed of categories that we believe are individually less material to our overall footprint, including fuel- and energy-related activities, upstream transportation and distribution, waste generated in operations, business travel and employee commuting. Refer to the ESG Data Tables for our comprehensive emissions inventory.

Scope 3 Emissions

    • Downstream Leased Assets
    • Capital Goods
    • Purchased Goods and Services
    • Other

CategoryScope 3 (MTCO2e)16
Downstream Leased Assets171,116,621
Capital Goods18357,139
Purchased Goods and Services18117,318

16 Scope 3 emissions were calculated using the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard: Supplement to the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard. Scope 3 emissions quantification is subject to significant inherent measurement uncertainty due to the emissions being outside of Crown Castle’s organizational boundaries, where the company has limited control over the availability of primary data. Additionally, uncertainties arise from (1) using GHG emissions factors, which are themselves estimates, in mathematical models for calculating emissions and (2) the models' inability, due to incomplete scientific knowledge and other factors, to precisely measure the relationship between various inputs and the resultant GHG emissions in all scenarios.

17 Scope 3 emissions from Category 13: Downstream Leased Assets were calculated separately for tower, small cell, and fiber customers, with emissions across all three asset types calculated by zip code to align with the correct eGRID regions. For tower customers‘ energy use, an average data method was used that estimated annual consumption per tower for each of our largest customers individually and grouped similar smaller customers together based on their anticipated energy use profiles. These estimates were validated with a sample of our largest customers. Where applicable, customer renewable energy contributions were factored in to reduce market-based emissions, using publicly reported data. For small cell customers, average equipment electricity use was estimated based on device type and location. For fiber customers, average energy consumption calculations were based on service type and speed.

18 Scope 3 emissions from Category 1: Purchased goods and services and Category 2: Capital goods were calculated using the spend-based method based on the economic value of goods and services purchased or acquired as recorded in Crown Castle’s financial reporting system. Certain spend categories, such as taxes, land rent, and payroll-related spend, are not included in the analysis because Crown Castle determined that there are not significant emissions associated with the spend. Total category spend was multiplied by the corresponding NAICS emissions factors from NAICS v1.2 (2022), adjusted for inflation.

19 Other Scope 3 emissions include categories that Crown Castle believes are individually less material to our overall footprint but are relevant to our operations, including fuel- and energy-related activities, upstream transportation and distribution, waste generated in operations, business travel, employee commuting, and upstream leased assets. Refer to the ESG Data Tables for our comprehensive emissions inventory and additional detail regarding the calculation approaches utilized.

Exploring downstream emissions on our tower sites.20

Crown Castle collaborates closely with our customers to connect communities through our shared infrastructure portfolio. At our tower sites, we generally own the tower and lighting beacons and manage site maintenance, while our customers generally own their communications equipment, tower cabling, ground shelter with HVAC and IT equipment, and backup generators.

The emissions stemming from our customers' energy consumption on our infrastructure assets are accounted for in their Scope 1 and 2 emissions and are represented in our Scope 3 emissions. We collaborate with our customers to ensure alignment on ESG priorities, and as they advance efforts to decrease their emissions through operational changes and sourcing of renewable energy, we also reap the rewards of their environmental commitments.

20 Crown Castle’s Scope 3 emissions from Category 13: Downstream leased assets originate from tower, small cell, and fiber customers. However, nearly 90% of those emissions are attributed to energy use by our tower customers, and consequently, this section focuses on exploring downstream emissions at our tower sites.

04 bar technology

05 bar water & waste

Cutting back on consumption.

We’re taking steps to conserve water and reduce waste generated across our business. Our water use and waste generation stem almost exclusively from our office operations. Our current water efficiency initiatives include selecting drought-tolerant native species for landscaping, using zoned and timed sensors to reduce water use, using reclaimed water for landscape irrigation and installing energy-efficient appliances and fixtures in connection with our new office buildouts and renovations.

Water consumed by office (gallons)21

Houston, TX5,808,994
Canonsburg, PA 2,110,275
Phoenix, AZ3,528,494
Doral, FL668,840
Albany, NY 2275,000

21 Water is reported for Crown Castle’s owned office locations. Office closures stemming from Covid-19 and changes in our hybrid work schedule impacted the comparability of our water utilization from 2020 to 2023; as such, we have elected to present a single year of water consumption data.

22 The actual water consumption data for the Albany office in 2023 was unavailable, so we estimated it based on the 2022 figures, adjusted for employees working four days a week in the office in 2023 compared to three days in 2022.

Many of our employees work in a hybrid or fully remote capacity. As such, we are reporting waste generated both in Crown Castle offices and by employees while working from home. Our current waste reduction initiatives across offices include using recyclable materials, digitizing operations and donating old materials to reduce lifecycle impacts.

Waste generated and recycled

TypeWaste generated (tons)23Scope 3 GHG emissions from
waste generated in operations (MTCO2e)24
Office waste landfilled14584
Office waste recycled268124
Remote work waste landfilled21424
Remote work waste recycled39836

23 Many of our employees work in a hybrid capacity (mix of remote and in-office work), while others are fully remote or fully in office. As such, our calculation methodology projects waste generated and recycled both in Crown Castle offices (owned and leased) and remotely (e.g., employees working from home).

24 We used emissions factors from U.S. EPA, 2023, Emission Factors for Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Table 9 (waste).

06 bar wildlife

Protecting ecosystems and biodiversity. 

Our shared infrastructure assets are dispersed across the country on land we own, lease or that’s in the public right of way. Due to our expansive reach, we work to identify and reduce the potential impact our deployments and operations could have on local ecosystems and biodiversity.  

Before deploying infrastructure, our environmental compliance team analyzes potential impacts on endangered wildlife, wilderness areas, historic preservation areas and sensitive ecosystems like wetland habitats. In the event that any of these potential impacts are identified, we engage third-party experts to suggest modifications or work with us to implement protective measures. Once deployments are complete, we actively monitor our assets and take steps to minimize risks to the surrounding habitats.

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Our seasonal bird program.

Occasionally, protected bird species select our towers as nesting sites. When this happens, we deploy our environmental specialists to track and document these sites. We have procedures in place to protect identified nests, including limiting on-site access and nest relocation.  


sites identified with active nests or protected species26


migratory bird protection courses completed26

26 As of December 31, 2023.

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